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5 Crucial Steps You Need to Set Up for High-Performing Facebook Car Ads

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Facebook Car Ads

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“What’s the convenient way to sell cars online?” It’s a preliminary question that crosses our minds when selling vehicles online. And one of the prominent answers to this is creative Facebook car ads. The Facebook Vehicle Marketplace debuted in 2016 and has become a hub for many startups and small businesses. Just one year after its launch, the peer-to-peer classified directory experienced a three-fold growth globally, with 18 million listings coming solely from the United States. In fact, through Facebook auto ads, you can tap into one billion users and gain access to over 200 locations globally, all in one go. But before diving headlong into marketing on Facebook to increase car sales, it becomes crucial to understand what they are and how you should leverage them to maximize conversions.

So this blog will walk you through everything about Facebook ads for car dealers: the nitty-gritty, the benefits, how you can make the most of Facebook car ads free, whether they are effective, some pro tips to create Facebook auto ads, and Facebook ad policies.


What are Facebook Car Ads?

Facebook car ads or Automotive Inventory Ads (AIAs) focus exclusively on car sales. Facebook show ads are shown to potential car buyers looking for vehicles or who have shown interest in your inventory on your app or website with the help of a pixel or SDK. It allows you to advertise new and used vehicles to a wide range of potential customers, from those just starting their car search to those who know exactly what they are looking for.



Moreover, potential customers can search for specific vehicles based on make, model, and trim, allowing them to find their ideal car directly from your ad. You can also target your ads to buyers in specific locations, making it easier to reach local audiences.

What sets Facebook Auto Ads apart is their dynamic nature. You can show ads to potential buyers with real-time availability and pricing, a target audience based on the specific vehicle they engaged with. It makes auto ads valuable for car dealers looking to retarget car shoppers. You can create customized campaigns for your website visitors, showcasing the cars they have shown interest in and other similar vehicles, increasing the likelihood of a sale.


5 Steps You Need to Set Up for Facebook Automotive Ads

Explore the Facebook automotive ads setup process in 5 easy steps. You must create a Facebook catalog, implement a meta pixel on site, and prepare your vehicle feed.

1) Create a Facebook catalog with Automotive Inventory Data

The catalog contains the vehicle inventory data. There are 3 simple ways to set it up.

  • Upload optimized vehicle feed in the catalog manager
  • Use a 3rd party inventory provider
  • Manually upload vehicle data

2) Upload Automotive Feed to Facebook

Include all the information about the cars you sell on the vehicle feed to increase the product’s visibility. You can use multiple feeds for specific car types or upload all listings in one feed.

3) Add vehicle sets

The vehicle set contains the list of items in the Facebook catalog. A catalog can also include multiple product sets.

4) Set up an SDK or pixel and connect it to the catalog

Pixel code must be placed on the website, and SDK must be placed on the mobile app. The pixel and SDK allow you to optimize automotive inventory ads, track conversions, remarket car shoppers, target the correct audience, and track visitors’ actions. After setting up the Pixel and SDK, link it to the Facebook catalog to run Facebook automotive ads.

5) Create an Automotive Inventory Ad Campaign in Meta Ads Manager

Choose the ad format, target setup, budget, and Facebook automotive ad template. Additionally, there is no requirement to set up separate cars for each vehicle you want to sell. You can create one ad template automatically, pulling data from the Facebook vehicle feed.



Top 5 Benefits of Facebook Advertising for Auto Dealerships

Facebook car ads allow dealers to target their online customers by showcasing their appealing inventory. We have mentioned the top benefits of running car dealer Facebook ads.

1) Laser-focused targeting: Facebook ads allow you to spend money on a specific targeted audience. You can target buyers based on demographics, location, behaviors, interests, etc.

2) Retargeting: Dealerships can create custom ads for those who have visited their website but haven’t purchased. With retargeting custom ads, dealerships can turn their cold leads into potential buyers.

3) Increase traffic: Facebook ads allow you to reach a wider audience and generate more traffic on your vehicle listing pages.

4) Higher lead conversion rates: Salespeople can engage and connect with buyers when they fill out the lead form.

5) Measurable ROI: You can track the conversion from the ads. Additionally, it can optimize the ad spend based on the conversion rate.


Getting Started with Facebook Car Ads

To create automotive ads on Facebook, you must create a Facebook age with an ad account. Further, you can follow these few quick steps to sell vehicles through Facebook auto ads.

Step 1: Create your automotive catalog: Upload data or connect a data feed to Meta servers. Ensure the data contains all the required fields for the cars you want to advertise.

Step 2: Set up automotive events on your website: Vehicle ads use required and standard events, each with a set of parameters. You can use Meta Pixel on mobile app events in your iOS app and Android append on your website.

Step 3: Build your automotive audience: To successfully manage and build your audience, you can retarget an audience and associate your pixel with your catalog.

Step 4: Create and start your automotive ads: This step assumes you have a product set and a catalog ready and have set up the required car ads on your mobile app and website.

Your Facebook car inventory catalog is all set to go, and you’re ready to run your automotive ads. Regular feed updates are vital to keeping your catalog up-to-date. Implementing a pixel will also provide valuable information for your ad campaign.


How To Sell More Cars With Facebook?

Facebook ads help dealerships reach potential car buyers and achieve the best results with a practical and clear strategy. Discover Facebook car ads examples of selling more cars.

1) Ad targeting: Dealerships can use advanced targeting options to reach potential buyers based on interests, behavior, and demographics.

2) Carousel Ads: Facebook carousel car ads showcase multiple cars in a single ad and target buyers to check various options in one place.

3) Video Ads: Grab the attention of your target audience by showcasing a car detailing Facebook ad videos highlighting the vehicle’s features and benefits.

4) Lead Generation Forms: Have your customers fill out the lead generation form to schedule a test drive.

5) Retargeting: Allow lost leads to revisit your Facebook or dealership page.

6) Messenger Chatbot: With Messenger Chatbot, you can provide exceptional customer service by quickly providing them with information about your dealership’s inventory.

7) Influencer Marketing: Showcase your dealership inventory and attract a wider audience by partnering with influencers.

8) Car Inventory Feed: Let your customers visit your inventory by featuring it on Facebook’s car inventory feed.


How to Make the Most of Facebook Car Ads

Car dealers may quickly improve their automotive marketing strategy by incorporating Facebook automotive ads. Remember to properly optimize your automotive inventory marketing and implement some sound practices. You can use Facebook ads targeting for car dealerships option to reach car buyers based on interests, behavior, and demographics.

For targeting

Go for a broader audience: Avoid extensive interest targeting. Use great content to engage the audience, and Facebook’s algorithm will determine the best segments that respond to ads. Use phrases for single interests like “cars” or “used cars.”

Hyperlocal targeting: Create two campaigns targeting different audiences: the immediate vicinity (within 15 miles) of the dealership and the broader state or region. This approach helps reach the most relevant customers while controlling the budget.

Put monthly pricing in your advertisement: Your dealership’s credit options will be more alluring if they include a monthly price instead of a cash price.

For lead generation

Combine it: Use the Facebook car ads structure to initiate test drive reservations, brochure requests, or hand-raiser efforts. Try using Lead Ads for various ad audiences and monitor the outcomes.

Customize and qualify: Make sure to customize your forms so that you may collect all critical data and pave the way for lead qualification. People who indicate they are interested in purchasing a car within the next three months are twofold as likely to result in a sale.

Data Protection: You can include several consent alternatives to comply with US data protection policies. Additionally, you can provide personalized disclaimers to clarify how you will leverage people’s data.

Set expectations and be precise: Ensure leads grasp what they are signing up for and create expectations for what will happen once they complete the form. Consider including Facebook ads auto reply messages in your lead forms. Make your lead advertising crystal clear and save your cash ad from squandering.

Tips for auto ads Facebook for inventory

Try out different product sets: You can experiment with making dynamic commercials for particular car models, entire car ranges, or even specific car categories like “Family” or “Saloon.”

Be prudent with your time: Deploying dynamic Facebook ads for car salesman throughout your network might take a lot of time. However, you can deploy tailored campaigns in a matter of clicks, saving you hours of tedious human labor.

Tips for Facebook Canvas Car Ads

Boost experiences: Canvas ads are a good choice for awareness campaigns because of their rich visual experience. However, to ensure that your awareness campaigns generate highly qualified leads, construct a Facebook automotive marketplace ad to retarget car buyers who interact with your canvas advertising.

Simple is best: When you have a blank canvas, you will likely get carried away. So, keep in mind the purpose of your automotive Facebook ads. Keep design components straightforward and focused on encouraging viewers to take the required next step.

Create Mobile Responsive Facebook Ads for Car Dealers

Mobile ad formats are crucial, as most Facebook users access the platform via their smartphones. Optimize mobile reach using mobile-focused ad formats like Lead Ads and Canvas Ads. When testing new strategies, ensure they offer the best mobile experience.

Keep Testing and Optimizing

Successful Facebook ad campaigns result from data analysis and trial and error. Base your Facebook advertising on data-driven decisions and test different ad formats. Facebook’s built-in split testing feature is an excellent tool that helps you identify and analyze high-performing ads. Consider including test ad copy, formats, call-to-action, audience, images, and offers for optimal performance.


Which Facebook Car Ads are Considered as High-Performance Ads?

Running ads on Facebook can boost sales and visibility. However, knowing the top high-performing ads will enable dealerships to maximize revenue and reach a wider audience.

1) Automotive Facebook Lead: Facebook lead ads allow dealerships to drive low-cost test drives and inquiry leads. Lead ad forms are automatically filled out with the information available on Facebook. Car dealer Facebook lead ads to increase the lead volume by 200% and reduce the cost per lead by up to 50%.

2) Automotive Video Ad: Dealerships can showcase their inventory through attractive and engaging videos. This helps dealerships get quality leads from customers who are genuinely interested in making a purchase.

3) Facebook Canvas Ads: Canvas ads allow dealerships to showcase their collection of vehicles with a 360 car virtual tour in a mobile visual experience. These ads combine videos and images and highlight the specific features of the car.

4) Automotive Messenger Chatbot: In real-time, car buyers can resolve their queries with intelligent chatbots. Chatbots’ immediate response generates vast and quality leads.


What are the Best Practices for Automotive Inventory Ads?

Facebook Meta’s automotive inventory ads are optimized for car inventory. You must set up a Facebook vehicle catalog before running automotive inventory ads. Additionally, dealerships must have a Meta pixel set up before running automotive inventory ads.

1) Dealerships should design their landing page to convert visitors into leads. Therefore, it will encourage them to take action instead of passively browsing the page.

2) Optimize your Advantage + catalog ads for conversions when getting at least 50 optimized results per ad set per week on bidding the amount. You should raise your bid to change your optimization to conversions from the link clicks.

3) Optimize the past 7-14 days’ average earnings from a purchase. Further, bid as per your average order earring to maximize engagement, ROI, and exposure.

4) Increase your budget to boost your conversion opportunities if you get excellent performance from your existing campaign.

5) Set your campaign in advance to allow the machine models to learn the associated product and provide the best immediate results.


Facebook Car Ad Scams

Facebook car advertising is a powerful tool for dealerships to reach a vast audience of potential car buyers. However, like any online platform, it can attract malicious actors. The good news is that by being aware of common scams, dealerships can take steps to protect their advertising budgets and ensure their campaigns reach real customers. Explore some of these scams to keep your inventory and ad budget safe.

1) Phishing: Scammers create a clone and fake dealership landing page. When users click on the ad, they land on this mimic page and submit their personal information, such as credit card details.

2) Competerior interference: To eliminate the competition in the market, only some dealerships click on their competitor ads repeatedly to drain their daily ad budget. Therefore, this disrupts the ads’ ability to reach potential customers.

3) Lead fraud: Scammers fill out lead capture forms with fake information, and the dealership wastes time following up on these bogus leads.


How to Create Effective Facebook Auto Ads?

Creating effective new and used car Facebook ads is easier than it seems. To make the process a breeze, here are a few pro tips that you must keep up your sleeves.

Use High-Quality Car Exterior Pictures

Good car exterior images are the only way to grab consumer attention. Remember that humans nowadays possess an attention span that is lesser than that of goldfish. So make sure your images are scroll-stopping, and car buyers can reach purchasing decisions by looking at the images you post through Facebook car ads. Here are a few tips to remember when posting car exterior pictures:

  • If there are extraneous things in the scene, try the bokeh effect. Reduce the aperture’s width to f/4 and focus solely on the car.
  • A pair of wide-angle lenses will be used to expand the region recorded in the image. Because of its shorter focal length, you may include more background details.
  • To achieve precise exposure, experiment with the ISO and shutter speed. Choose a lower ISO and a faster shutter speed when there is enough light. Keep the ISO higher if it’s dark but not so high that noise and grains are visible.
  • Considering an image composition before editing is critical to speed up high-impact image processing. If you want to track and control your composition based on exposure, the best way is to bracket or shoot the same scene with multiple exposure settings. By fusing numerous photos, you may create a composite image.
  • Don’t click photos at average eye level. Always play with the height and depth to create dramatic effects and escape the monotony.

Use High-Quality Interior Images

Always remember that car buyers will spend 99% of their time sitting inside the car and driving it. So make sure your image carousels include enough evidence for good and classy interiors and are luring enough for a further click. Here are a few tips for car interior photography to follow:

  • Match the color of the car interior with the background to hide the scenery visible through the windows and windscreen. Ensure that the surroundings and interiors complement each other. Use an aperture of f/4 to blur the background seen through the windows.
  • Before the shooting, check for any signs of wear and tear inside the car and repair any issues, such as ripped leather seats or exposed sponges on the gear cover. Avoid presenting a vehicle with a messy interior.
  • Ensure to illuminate the car’s interior. Shooting in daylight may result in high-contrast areas and unwanted dark spots. To soften the light, use a scrim and light bar to diffuse the natural light.
  • Pay attention to every minute feature, such as a cassette player in an old vintage Mustang or a headrest on the passenger seat, and showcase them in detail. This can create micro-moments for potential buyers, which may ultimately lead to a sale.
  • When shooting at night, ensure that the dashboard is well-lit. Experiment with timed exposure and focus on a spinning tachometer. If the car has LED accent lights, leave them on and capture different exposures.

Choose Interactive Visual Formats

Don’t give boring statistics to your audience. When using images for your Facebook car ads, make sure they stand out from your peer dealers and car sellers. Buyers will instantly choose you over them. Use 360-degree walkaround videos to convey motion in your images by showing water splashing or creating dust around the car, etc.

Also, pay special attention to the background. If you promote a sedan in your automotive Facebook ads, try to give it a professional or corporate background. Or if you are promoting a vintage model, capture them on some old streets, and so on.

Use Videos for Better Engagement

The popularity of car dealerships using TikTok has emphasized the effectiveness of video content over traditional text-based content. Seeing and hearing the people behind the advertisement builds trust with potential customers. Additionally, video content is easier to share and more likely to go viral. To make a lead generation ad, ensure that the video content is high-quality and attention-grabbing to capture the interest of potential customers.

Apart from this, follow these tips to make video auto ads on Facebook more effective:

  • Experiment with different video bidding options, such as optimizing campaigns for video views. Facebook’s ThruView feature is handy for lengthy brand or demo videos, as it optimizes for people who watch at least 15 seconds.
  • As people spend just 1.5 seconds on each Facebook post, capturing their attention quickly is crucial. Avoid a TV ad-style build-up and start with why people should watch and who you are. Finally, invite the customer to take action and book a test drive.

Write short descriptions

People prefer buying from Amazon because of their finely-tuned information at each stage of the buying journey, even with the same UI for over ten years. Emulate this approach when writing car descriptions by including the year, make, model, mileage, and transmission type (manual or automatic) and mentioning shipping, pricing, and return information.

Boost your Facebook ads for Car Dealers

If you put out an ad for car sales on auto dealer Facebook marketing, you can boost your listings by clicking the “Boost Listing” option on your dashboard. Choose the duration and budget for the campaign, and Facebook will increase visibility based on your bid. Additionally, consider renewing the listing every two weeks and slightly reducing the price to reach potential buyers and increase visibility.

Bonus tip: Use the state-of-the-art AI capabilities to create high-performing, converting visuals for Facebook car ads

Creating high-quality images can be a struggle if you are new to Facebook auto ads and in the initial stages of the online car-selling journey. You need a million pieces of equipment, a car photo booth, a turntable for visual impact like spinning views, software to process images in bulk, and whatnot.

Not only is this time and cost-consuming, but you must also search for vehicle photographers and experts who can help you create Facebook ad-ready vehicle images and give the professional touch.

The only way to escape the hassle is to deploy in-built car photoshoot apps like Spyne and save precious dollars and time. You must download the app on your smartphone, follow the on-screen guide, shoot your vehicle to fit the overlay sketch on the screen, process it through the native tools available, and call it a day.

Using this AI app, you can:

  • Shoot and capture high-quality car visuals
  • Change backgrounds
  • Apply custom backgrounds
  • Adjust lighting, window tinting, number plate masking, etc.
  • Apply all studio and turntable effects
  • Edit them in no time (processing of images in bulk)
  • Create 360 spin views of your vehicles

And a lot more. Interesting, isn’t it?


Facebook Car Ads Policies

Before you start creating automotive Facebook ads and promoting your vehicles to your audience, keeping abreast of the always-changing Facebook advertising policies is critical. Facebook does not promote your listing about selling, buying, or trading certain vehicle accessories and parts. Additionally, as per Automotive News, Facebook Marketplace cars for sale by owners do not allow car dealers to post listings on the platforms. Therefore, this policy shift marks a significant change to the most popular place to find hidden gems and affordable cars. Facebook Marketplace prohibits business accounts from publishing Facebook car listings on its platform.

Ad review process

Knowing Facebook’s Ad review process can help you understand what happens behind the scenes. The process has three steps: editing/submitting, Facebook review, and approval/rejection. Changes to creatives or audiences trigger the review process. Facebook rigorously checks advertisements for policy compliance, including those already running.

Policies for Brand Assets

You may want to use Facebook’s assets in your ads. However, Facebook has specific policies that you must follow to use its brand assets.

Brand endorsements: Your ad posted on the platform must not imply a partnership with Facebook or any of its brands, including promoting endorsements by other Facebook brands.

Brand usage in Facebook ads for car salesmen: If your ad copy refers to Facebook or Instagram, you can only make limited references to specify the destination. However, you must refrain from using prominent features of Facebook or its brands to highlight your services and not change features like the logo’s color or add special effects.

Trademarks and Copyrights: To avoid policy violations, never direct your audience to a landing page that uses Facebook’s copyrights, trademarks, or any confusingly similar marks. Facebook checks ad landing pages to ensure compliance. You may use the copyrights only with Facebook’s permission.

Using screenshots for the user interface: If you wish to use UI screenshots in your Facebook car ads, don’t change the UI or use elements separately. Also, ensure the screenshot depicts the exact functions of the current product.


Facebook VS Google Ads for Car

Car dealership Facebook ads reach a wider audience and boost sales. They can advertise their inventory and run ads on Google and Facebook. But which platform should the dealerships invest in? Let’s understand how these two platforms can help dealerships achieve their business goals.

Facebook Ads for Car Dealerships

Facebook ads are a powerful platform for car dealerships; they target the audience available on Facebook and Instagram. Explore the benefits of running ads on Facebook below:

1) Facebook is an excellent platform for traffic and branding campaigns, allowing dealerships to run specific ads for a particular audience group.

2) Dealerships can run retargeting campaigns to retain the stalled leads and return them to the vehicle description page (VDPs).

3) Facebook ads allow dealerships to run buyback campaigns when they struggle with low inventory.

4) Dealerships can run lead generation campaigns and ask website visitors to fill out the lead forms to add the details to their automotive CRM.

Google Ads for Car Dealerships

Google ads are the best way to target low-funnel buyers who are actively searching for the cars dealerships have in stock. Dealerships can target potential buyers by running dynamic search ads and vehicle listing ads. Let’s learn the types of ads Google allows marketers to run.

1) Google Dynamic Search Ads are run for a specific word or keyword.

2) Google’s vehicle listing ads (VLAs) allow dealerships to feature flawless inventory images.

3) Google Display Ads retargets the buyers who visited VDPs and makes them revisit inventory pages.


Top 5 Case Studies of Car Brands Who Run Facebook Ads

Car dealerships used to rely on billboards and newspaper ads to promote their business. However, Facebook car ads made the promotion of vehicle inventory much quicker and more accessible for the dealerships. Facebook allows you to reach a wider audience and promote your inventory online to boost your dealership’s sales. Let’s explore how dealerships leverage Facebook Ads to drive sales with real-world case studies.

1) Audi, Denmark

Case Study: The all-electric Audi Q4 sports utility manufacturer increased ad recall by 20.4 points in Denmark after using Facebook Ads.

Story: Skandinavisk Motor Co. was founded by Semler Gruppen in 1917. Now, it is the leading mobility provider in Denmark and is known for a range of strong brands, including Volkswagen Group and Audi.

Goal: They aimed for ultimate sales and drive awareness for their newly revised all-electric Audi Q4 e-tron.

Result: Niklas John Theakston, Head of Digital, Audi Denmark, confirmed that Facebook ads allowed them to reach a larger target audience and increase the recall of their campaign.

Products used: They used the following products to promote their “Audi Q4”.

  • Video ads: To capture attention with engaging video ads.
  • Facebook Reels: To Share their reels with immersive full-screen ads.
  • Advantage + shopping campaigns: To run high-performing and efficient sales campaigns.
  • Measurement: To make better decisions about marketing based on insights

2) Maruti Suzuki, India

Case Study: Maruti Suzuki lifted the ad recall to 7.7 points, compared to its usual campaign for its best-selling SUV models.

Story: Maruti Suzuki India launched the Maruti 800 car in 1983. Today, it is one of the leading automakers known for its range of sedans, hatchbacks, and SUVs.

Goal: Maruti Suzuki wanted to increase the ad recall message and boost marketing metrics for its popular compact SUV, Brezza, with stream video ads.

Result: As per monthlong brand lift study in July 2022. Maruti Suzuki saw a 7.7 points lift in the ad recall compared to usual video ads and a 2.8 higher lift in their message recall compared to usual video ads.

Products used: They used the following products to promote their compact SUV, “Brezza.”

  • Core audiences: To select the right target audience for their ads.
  • Video ads: To capture attention with engaging video ads
  • Measurement: To make better decisions about marketing based on insights

3) Porsche, Singapore

Case study: The German luxury sports car manufacturer used Facebook car inventory ads to showcase the Porsche models to enthusiasts. They saw a 30% lower cost per lead.

Story: Porsche, the German-manufactured car, is known as the best high-end vehicle. With its sleek designs, Porsche aims to deliver a thrilling driving experience.

Goal: Porsche is striving to go beyond selling cars. They want to create a memorable and positive experience that fosters loyalty and a lasting connection with the Porsche brand.

Result: Porsche’s automotive inventory ads campaign offered customers a tailored viewing experience aligned with their interests and passions. The brand compared a split test of its usual ad campaign with the Facebook car ads campaign between November 4 and December 3, 2022. They observed a 2X higher reach compared to the typical campaign, 2X more impressions compared to the usual campaign, and a 30% lower cost per lead compared to the usual campaign.

Products used: They used the following products to promote their brand.

  • Facebook for automotive inventory ads: To re-engage potential customers who showed an interest in a specific car model
  • Carousel: Show up to ten videos or images in a single ad
  • Photo ads: To inspire their audience with photo ads
  • Measurement: To make better decisions about marketing based on insights

4) Volkswagen, UK

Case Study: The German car maker who manufactured the Volkswagen electric car. They inspired more than 1200 potential buyers to visit the website.

Story: Volkswagen is known as a pioneer in EVs and one of the world’s leading motor car manufacturers.

Goal: Volkswagen UK wanted to generate interest and awareness for their latest all-electric car, the ID.3, in the UK.

Result: Volkswagen UK ran a campaign between December 2021 and February 2022 to help buyers configure their ideal ID.3 electric car. The campaign made 1279 buyers visit the website page of ID.3. 68% of potential buyers completed the configurator experience, and over 23% agreed that ID.3 offers the best choice in EVs. Additionally, they observed an increase in 6.2 points where people decided that Volkswagen provides helpful information on choosing an ID.3

Products used: They used the following products to promote their all-electric car, “the ID.3.”

  • Ads that click on Messenger: To Start conversations directly from ads that open Messenger.
  • Ads that click on Messenger lead generation: To achieve qualified leads with automated chat and continued conversation in Messenger.
  • Messenger: To build lasting relationships through conversation.
  • Measurement: To make better decisions about marketing based on insights.

5) Citroën, UK

Case study: The French car maker used interactive augmented reality and video ads on Facebook, boosting ad recall up to 10.4 points in the UK.

Story: A French automotive manufacturer founded Citroën in 1919, with a reputation for innovation. Citroën’s focus is to manufacture multiple ranges of EVs.

Goal: Citroën UK wanted to boost a favorable opinion of its brand and reinforce its reputation for fun and innovation by launching the all-electric micro city car, the Ami.

Result: Citroën UK ran a campaign between November 10 and December 16, 2022; they achieved the highest ad recall, up to 10.4 points. Additionally, they observed a 2.6-point lift in their brand favourability, and people spent 3X more average time with augmented reality ads than their video ad content.

Products used: They used the following products to promote their brand and “the Ami.”

  • Augmented reality ads: To allow people to interact with their product, brand, or effect.
  • Partnership ads: They partnered with creators to reach new audiences, spread their brand story, and measure impact.
  • Video ads: To capture attention with engaging video ads.
  • Facebook Reels: To Share their reels with immersive full-screen ads.



This blog helps you understand the ins and outs of Facebook car ads and how they can help you seize conversions. Wish to learn more about creating and converting automotive Facebook ads? Or want to know how Spyne can help you? Reach out to us today!



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We Have Your Answer

  • Q. How do I promote my car on Facebook?

    Follow these steps to promote your vehicles effectively on Facebook: 

    1. Post high-quality vehicle images.
    2. Write smart and relevant descriptions.
    3. Use relevant tags and keywords to rank on the SERPs.
    4. Boost your listing if you have an official dealership page on Facebook.
    5. Engage in Facebook communities, post content regularly, and deeply dive into buyers’ preferences. 

  • Q. What are Facebook automotive inventory ads?

    Facebook’s dynamic automotive inventory ads assist auto dealers and other businesses in the industry in promoting their complete inventory of vehicles. These ads can retarget people who have previously expressed interest in a particular car or have visited the dealership’s website because they provide vehicle data like make, model, year, and mileage.

  • Q. How do car dealerships get results on Facebook ads?

    Car dealerships can get results on Facebook ads by creating targeted campaigns that reach their intended audience, showcasing their automotive inventory on Meta through ads that are visually appealing, using retargeting ads to bring back people who have already shown interest, and utilizing Facebook’s lead generation ads to capture potential customer information. Additionally, dealerships can use Facebook’s ad insights to track their campaign performance and adjust their strategies accordingly to optimize their ad performance.

  • Q. Does Facebook charge to sell car?

    It is free to list a car for sale on Facebook Marketplace. However, suppose you are a dealership or a business that regularly sells cars. You may need to set up a Facebook Page and use paid Facebook ads to promote your inventory effectively. Also, if you use Facebook’s “Shipping and Handling” option to sell your car outside your local area, you may be charged a selling fee by Facebook.

  • Q. Which type of content is not allowed to run on Facebook ads?

    Facebook’s Ad review checks for policy violations in different aspects of your ad. Policies cover discrimination, marketing, community standards, and prohibited and restricted content. Here are the parameters:

    Prohibited Content on Facebook Ads

    • Illegal services
    • Discriminatory practices
    • Third-party infringement
    • Misinformation or non-existent functionality
    • Non-functional landing page
    • Grammar and profanity
    • Multi Level marketing
    • Before-after images
    • Misleading claims
    • Unacceptable business practices

    Restricted Content on Facebook Advertisements

    • Online gambling and gaming
    • Subscription services and branded content

  • Q. What were the changes to Facebook Marketplace for auto dealers in 2023?

    Meta announced that, on January 30th, 2023, automotive dealers can no longer post their car inventory on the Facebook Marketplace application.

  • Q. Why are there so many fake car ads on the Facebook marketplace?

    Facebook does not verify sellers. So, scammers may post fake or defective items with duplicate identification to lure buyers.

  • Q. What are the insights on the Spanish car ads on the Facebook marketplace?

    These ads are run by the scammers. They usually offer a cheap price compared to the car’s worth to steal the buyer’s money.

  • Q. Has anyone noticed a new flooding of fake adverts on the Facebook marketplace?

    There are plenty of ads on Facebook. The best way to deal with these fake adverts is to report them.

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Young, enthusiastic, and curious are the three words that describe Spyne’s content team perfectly. We take pride in our work – doing extensive research, engaging with industry experts, burning the midnight oil, etc. Every word we write is aimed at solving our readers’ problems.

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