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Top 12 Alternatives of EZ360 TV & Competitors in 2024

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Images have a significant role in advertising. Visual imagery immediately draws people in, increasing brand recognition and revenues. You can achieve that with the help of professional but expensive photography. You will require a successful plan to obtain excellent shots as a dealership. Here’s where artificial intelligence tools like EZ360 TV are helpful—they allow you to alter photographs rapidly and are cost-effective. High-quality photos can attract more potential consumers and boost your business’s visibility because they are the first thing potential customers see. Therefore, investing in high-quality image editing software is beneficial for automotive companies. Let’s explore the services, competitors, and alternatives of ez360 TV


What is ez360 tv?

EZ360 is the leading provider of car dealer photo studios, turntables, and software provider. It offers advanced features that allow car photography studio to have a 4K HD quality display of each vehicle, along with color-corrected pictures so that your products look spot on. It can generate high-quality images in 10 minutes directly to your selling platform. Using this tool, one can easily change the background effects and add VR car features. However, EZ360 is not a free tool to access.



Top 10 ez360 Alternatives & Competitors in 2024

When it comes to engaging digital platforms, there’s always something new and better to try. There are some alternatives of ez360 TV app that may be more efficient, practical, and affordable. Some choices are covered here to aid in your decision-making.

1. Spyne

The company offers three primary services—background replacement, 360 car video shoot, and automatic hotspot tagging—all powered by state-of-the-art AI systems. It also provides multi-channel platforms for users. You can use the desktop browser application or download the DIY photoshoot and editing app on your smartphone (available on Android and iOS). The DIY app offers an on-screen guide, which eases the shooting process. The AI systems ensure that the output is high-quality, with a professional look and feel.

2. Contentful

Without demanding coding knowledge, this cloud-based platform makes content creation, publishing, and administration more accessible for contemporary online users. It has strong channel distribution and automation APIs. GraphQL APIs, customizable user interfaces, and thorough reporting enable companies to interact with clients. Digital-first and Fortune 500 firms prefer its streamlined methodology, which yields noteworthy results, including a 60% increase in eCommerce conversions and a 3x rise in online shop search conversions.


Kentico offers, a flexible headless content management system for content marketers and developers. It has an easy-to-use UI, built-in SEO tools, and strong marketing potential. With commenting, simultaneous editing, and access permissions, Kontent simplifies teamwork. Its automated social media sharing and drag-and-drop ease of use enable users to produce exciting content and improve their online visibility.

4. Contentstack

Contentstack is a potent headless CMS that runs in the cloud and simplifies content management for enterprises. It provides an extensive feature set that includes platform integration, SEO tools, and easy editing. It guarantees scalability and does away with the need for significant modification, making it ideal for small organizations. Users may easily expand their online presence with Contentstack’s strong security features and AI integration option.

5. Viar360

It is an adaptable platform for producing and disseminating VR content. Benefiting sectors including automotive, education, healthcare, and others, it simplifies the integration of 360-degree films, three-dimensional photos, audio, maps, and other elements into virtual reality material. For creating interesting virtual car showroom experiences, Viar360 offers marketing resources, training, and an intuitive editor. It’s a great option for creating and distributing VR content because of its mobile-friendly layouts and simple publication.

6. IdeaSpaceVR

With no coding required, users can effortlessly build virtual web experiences (WebVR) and immersive 3D using IdeaSpaceVR, an innovative open-source CMS. Its user-friendly drag-and-drop interface facilitates social media integration, content management, and the creation of personalized WebVR sites. Removing external dependencies is achieved by hosting WebVR experiences within the platform. It is ideal for increasing online interaction because it offers theme customization, event management, SEO tools, and a vast plugin ecosystem for expanded functionality.

7. ManageXR

ManageXR is a premium enterprise device management software that simplifies XR operations globally for VR and AR devices. It provides a range of sectors with content distribution, improved user experiences, and automated device health issues resolution. ManageXR makes it possible to manage the XR ecosystem effectively by providing content deployment and remote control for current, optimized user experiences.

8. Mozilla’s Firefox Reality

Firefox from Mozilla With its revolutionary VR web browser, Reality, users may immerse themselves in immersive 360-degree tours, games, and online activities. It works with a variety of VR headsets and is quite accessible. Mozilla gave the technology to Igalia, an open-source developer, to incorporate into Wolvic, a free alternative to ez360 browser. It may only be present temporarily however, it is accessible in VR app marketplaces.

9. Virtours

This innovative software, which Ikon has patented, transforms the production, sharing, and display of virtual reality content. With the help of this integrated platform, users may use 360-degree cameras, optimize content, and create immersive VR experiences with multimedia insights. Virtours tackles issues like image quality and engagement by streamlining every step of the process, from design to revenue. It provides extensive learning resources and is perfect for both novices and specialists.

10. ArborXR

ArborXR simplifies the management of AR and VR devices. It makes user customization, content delivery, and remote control possible. Setup, configuration, distribution of content, and tracking of usage for devices such as Oculus, Pico, HTC VIVE, Vuzix, and DPVR are made easier by this platform. Because of its flexibility, ArborXR makes managing an XR fleet simple. It provides effective, economical XR management by doing away with manual device management and legacy MDM limitations.


TIBVR is a pioneer with its cutting-edge Virtual Reality Website Builder, transforming online experiences. This software fuses VR technology with intuitive content management, making it a breeze for individuals and businesses to develop engaging 3D websites. With its extensive 360-degree scene library and user-friendly drag-and-drop features. It also breaks the barrier of prior VR experience. Moreover, it offers video hosting, social media integration, and live streaming capabilities, making it an innovative tool for marketing, education, and other uses.

12. ByondXR

ByondXR is an immersive commerce platform that enables companies to produce eye-catching 3D experiences—ideal for drawing in clients and exhibiting merchandise. Retail, luxury brands, automotive, beauty, food & beverage, fashion, and home decor are just a few of the industries it serves. ByondXR is able to load presentations quickly and enhance the car buying journey into smooth, memorable experiences that help with conversions and customer decisions. It also works with NFTs and cryptocurrency.


Reviews and Prices of Alternatives of ez360 TV

Want to take your virtual showroom experience to new heights? Even though you might have started with EZ360 TV, there are a ton of other platforms out there that are just waiting to be explored. To assist you in selecting the best alternative to ez360 for your requirements, this section delves deeply into the reviews and competitive EZ360 pricing of some of the most well-liked choices.


Companies Pricing Reviews
Spyne USD $360.00 per quarter 5/5
Contentful USD $300.00 per month 3.2/5
Contentstack USD $995.00 per month 4.6/5
Viar360 USD $99.00 per month 4.7/5
ManageXR USD $10.00 for 1 device

per Month

ArborXR USD $13.00 per device per month 4.9/5

There are some applications and software like, IdeaSpaceVR, Virtours, etc, that provide free demos and have better reviews, but they have not provided their pricing to the general public. They can also be a fair trial optios for the dealerships who are looking to revolutionize their online presence with 360 automotive solutions.


How does 360 Car Photography Benefits Dealers

Pricing and vehicle images are the two elements that determine online dealership’s success. Online car shopping is very different from in-person car showroom visits and test drives. Customers are dependent on the dashboard displayed on their desktop and mobile devices. Therefore it is important to present them with high-quality outputs that convey as much information as possible in a single glance.

1. Appealing Visuals

Owing to hectic schedules, purchasers typically lack the opportunity to visit a dealership and thoroughly inspect the vehicle they are contemplating. buyers can see 360-degree automotive photographs at their leisure to gain a better sense of the vehicle. These pictures give buyers an interactive product perspective on their computer screen or smartphone app. They have the ability to view and examine the vehicle from all sides, both inside and out.

2. Attracts Audience

Online customers are able to thoroughly assess your cars, which is one of the primary advantages of 360 car photography. You can make a strong impression on prospective customers and lessen the likelihood of them visiting to competitor’s website.

Better Representation

The look and feel of your digital sales channel, as well as your brand image, are enhanced when you use 360-degree vehicle images on your video description pages. 360-degree automotive movies that are crisp and impactful give your online inventory a far more contemporary vibe. With simply a flick of the finger or mouse, 360-degree car photography provides a full perspective of the car’s curves, lines, and proportions.

3. Competitive Inventory listings

You may increase the competitiveness of your listings by using automobiles 360 views on your automotive retail website. They provide an excellent online view of your inventory. You can even surpass competitors who haven’t realized the value of 360-degree photography, giving you the upper hand!

4. Creates immersive experience

360 automotive videography and imagery is the greatest method to create an immersive car-buying experience for potential buyers. You are able to flaunt every little detail on your cars. This will facilitate speedy decision-making on the part of buyers and turn your idle dealership inventory into sold goods.

5. Improves online engagement

A 360 automotive photography software is a fantastic tool for car dealers to showcase their car’s attributes. Therefore, companies all over the world are using this marketing tool to increase client engagement and boost their sales figures. Customers could spend hours virtually experiencing the cars in your digital showroom.

6. Enhanced customer confidence

Establishing trust and confidence with clients is crucial for any kind of business. A top-notch 360 automotive walkaround film for auto dealerships shows vehicle’s design features, which are crucial for decision-making. In order to provide consumers with a realistic depiction of the vehicle and to increase transparency in the car-buying journey , you can also employ automotive damage detection for used automobiles to highlight any dent or damages. Increasing consumer confidence directly boosts lead generation and, consequently, sales.


Spyne vs EZ360: Which One is Right for You?

EZ360 provides physical studios equipped with automated camera systems and turntables. This creates a standardized procedure and eliminates the requirement for photography skills. Professional vehicle dealerships can greatly benefit from the high-resolution 360 virtual spin and detailed photographs captured by their studios. Thanks to automation, photos can be taken and processed quickly. However, setting up an EZ360 studio costs a lot of money. There are fewer locations available because you can only use their actual studios. Automation gives less creative control over the finished images.

Compared to EZ360 Studios, Spyne delivers software and mobile applications at a reduced cost. With the Spyne software on your smartphone, you can snap pictures anywhere. Spyne.AI gives greater artistic freedom when choosing photo angles and editing. Spyne’s AI automatically enhances your images for a professional look. In addition to 360-degree photographs, offers virtual tours and 360-degree spins. It differs from competitors in the market with more than 100 backdrop replacement alternatives.



What you see is what you believe. In the automotive sector, strong, clear, and high-quality images are essential. Your website’s content will determine your sales and engagement rates. For optimum exposure, then, be sure to include high-resolution photos and automotive videography. However, alternative to ez360 software produces photographs that seem studio-quality and helps reduce workload and expenses. Both your company and the consumer experience gain from this. Additionally, the 360-degree spin car feature is an incredibly practical feature that quickly wins over customers’ faith.



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We Have Your Answer

  • Q. What is EZ 360?

    EZ360 is a studio-to-app automated photo system for auto dealers.

  • Q. Why should auto dealers consider the ez360 TV?

    EZ360 provides multiple features like high-quality 360 photography and image enhancement options that make it a good go-to option for dealerships.


  • Q. What features does the ez360 TV offer?

    Automated photo studio, 4K iVana & CVDP, and EZ enhancers are the best features of ez360 TV.


  • Q. How does ez360 TV improve the photo-taking process?

    The vehicle’s interior is illuminated by over 300,000 lumens of stadium-quality LED lighting with a silk diffuser that chases away shadows, avoids hotspots and displays real colors and fine details. As a consequence, every picture has evenly distributed and flawless lighting.


  • Q. Is ez360 TV cost-effective for small dealerships?

    For small dealerships ez360 TV prices can be expensive in comparison to other options available.


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