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Escalating Showrooms with 360 Car Interior Photography

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360 Car Interior Photography

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With so many technological advancements in the automotive industry, buyers are not stuck at the vehicle’s exterior. Instead, they are ready to step inside the car virtually. This is possible through 360 car interior photography. It allows the dealer to present the car with complete interior and exterior features and specifications. It gives an immersive experience of examining the complete interior view of the car and builds confidence in the dealerships.


What is 360 Car Interior Photography?

360 car interior photography apps helps capture car interiors that can be rotated completely. This allows the consumer to view not just the car’s exterior but also the interiors. This 360 automotive solutions usually gives the viewer the experience of sitting in the driver’s seat. They can easily navigate the driving wheels and their features, as well as the dashboard, and then slowly rotate toward the front and back seat visuals. Therefore, they are realistic and exciting for the viewer.



How can 360 Car Interior Photography be used?

Capturing a complete car interior is a task, but apart from that, we must know how to utilize them. There are many different 360° Car Photography Platforms and websites where people search for them and gather information relating to the vehicles. Listed below are some of the channels where these 360 Car Interior photos can be integrated:

1. Blogs: Use these pictures in your blog posts if you wish to discuss a new model’s interior features. This facilitates the reader’s ability to picture the characteristics you are talking about.

2. Social media posts: Using these photos is a fantastic way of automotive social media marketing and grow your social media following, and build a robust online presence.

3. YouTube videos: These 360 Car Interior Panoramic Photography can also be included in YouTube videos. A commentary in the film that describes each interior detail in the panoramic image can make a distinctive, guided tour of the car’s interior.

4. Online showrooms: Since more customers are making purchases online, you can use these 360 photo booth to give them a showroom-like experience at home. Due to the lifelike visuals, customers will think they’re in a dealership showroom examining the automobile in person.

5. Background images: Selecting a visually arresting background image for your website that will immediately draw in visitors from your target market is critical. Some car sellers utilize backdrop images of vehicles taken from the outside, but you can make yours stand out by using an interior 360-degree photo.


Significance of 360 Car Interior Photography

Traditional car pictures do not provide enough visuals to the viewers. Therefore, 360 car photography is critical for enhancing engagement and website traffic. Dealers must know its importance and embrace it on their websites.

1. Interactive Experience: 360-degree interior photographs are a fun interactive feature for online car shoppers. Possessing these pictures could enhance their entire internet buying experience.

2. It aids in comprehending the interior design: If you use still photographs, customers might have to scroll through the 360 degree car gallery back and forth to figure out which aspects they are looking at and where they fit into the décor. On the other hand, a panoramic view puts the customer in control, making it easy for them to figure out where everything is in the car.

3. Assists with pre-purchase research: Before choosing which car to buy, car buyers usually invest hours in studying. They want to learn as much as they can about their alternatives during this research phase. By using these thorough, high-resolution photos, you can be confident that your target audience will have all the information they require to determine whether a car fits them.

4. Interior representation: Still photographs usually have to accurately depict the interior of a car because the interior is a compact space with many characteristics. The inside may appear larger or smaller than in certain areas, or there may be problems with the lighting or reflections. You may prevent these issues by switching from traditional still photographs to 360-degree images.

5. Showcases interior feature: Using still photos alone makes capturing every aspect of a car’s interior difficult. However, since panoramic images capture the entire interior, every detail will be captured in the finished picture.


360 Car Interior Photography -Traditional VS. AI

With changing times and technology, interior photography has also evolved. The integration of AI is the digital transformation in the automotive industry. It has its perks, but despite that, traditional photography is the preferred method for dealerships. We have mentioned the features and advantages of conventional and AI photography methods that dealers should know.


Basis Traditional Artificial Intelligence(AI)
Equipment It requires a 360 camera and a tripod to capture the details effectively. A smartphone with an AI software installed is needed.
Process A professional photographer captures every detail manually and then uses 360 car interior  photography software to stitch them together. Individuals can use the software and generate images according to their preferences and requirements.
Pros Offers more control over the final image quality. It is faster, easier to use, and requires minimal equipment.
Cons Can be time-consuming and requires specialized equipment and software. Stitching errors can occur, especially in complex car interiors with curves and reflections. It may not offer the same control over the final image quality as traditional photography. AI stitching may not be perfect in all situations.


Best 360 Car Interior Photography Tips

Flawless 360-degree car photography of an interior automobile involves more than just pointing and clicking. This section contains the secrets to achieving results comparable to those of professionals. We’ll provide you a toolkit full of practical tips that covers everything from camera settings and lighting to tactical image capture techniques.

The ideal setting

Placement is crucial even for interiors, where you can still view outside via the windows. To guarantee no distracting visuals, try to locate an appropriate spot or shoot in a studio. For 360 degree photography, an aperture of about F/4 works best to blur out any background coming in through the windows.

Cover as much ground as you can

Make sure you draw attention to all of the car’s essential components, such as the seats, the tailgate, and all other parts. You can do this by carrying a list of standard items and determining whether you need anything special (such as cup holders, a center console, or charging plug points).

Turn on the lights in every car interior.

For this, use a light bar and scrim. The sun can create hot spots and stark contrast in certain places during the day, which can cause uneven lighting in pictures of the inside of cars. A scrim can soften the dark regions and dilute some of the natural light from the sun. You can also utilize an Ice Light if you shoot in the dark. To focus the light where you want it, you may use it as a standard lamp or install it on a stand. Footwells have a lot of shadows, and light-reflecting windows are usually trouble spots. Thus, exercise caution when photographing such components.

Nighttime images for interior car photos

Modern cars make extensive use of LED accent lighting. Make the most of them to get a beautiful impact. Naturally, you must experiment with the best nighttime car photography camera settings.

Changing up the inside pictures

Photos of cars’ interiors can take several forms. To catch different points, adjust the angle of your lens, just like you would for the outside. Sitting in the back seat, aim the driving wheel over the shoulder of the person in front. To add depth to the picture, get closer to the topic until the seat before you become blurry. Alternatively, squat in front of the driver’s side open door and point your upward target at the steering wheel. Your shot will seem more valiant.


Forecasting Trends of 360 Car Interior Photography

360-degree interior car photography is a constantly evolving discipline. We’ll examine cutting-edge innovations like AI-powered stitching and interactive hotspot integration that have the potential to alter how car interiors are portrayed online fundamentally. Put on your seatbelt and prepare to discover the future of fully immersive vehicle shopping.

1. Virtual Showroom: One way to experience a virtual car showroom is to navigate through a car as if it were physically present. Thanks to VR 360 car dealer technology, this extraordinarily vivid experience could become the next big thing.

2. AI-powered Personalization: Imagine 360-degree images that adapt to each person’s tastes. AI can help create a tailored car-buying experience by highlighting particular features depending on a customer’s search history.

3. Interactive Hotspots: Imagine a 360-degree panorama where users can instantly click on a specific feature for further information or even a video explanation. This participatory method has the power to change how consumers investigate automobiles dramatically.

4. 360° Video Tours: Moving away from still photos, Car interior Virtual tours 360 can show off a car’s features as it’s being driven, opening and shutting doors, or even going for a virtual test drive over a beautiful route.

5. E-commerce: These developments have the potential to further conflate the online and offline car-buying experiences by providing consumers with an engaging, educational, and practical approach to browsing for their ideal cars.


How spyne can help – 360 Car Interior Photography

Spyne AI combined digital imagery and automobile photography. In contrast, the AI platform for digital commerce makes it incredibly simple and reasonably priced to capture 360-degree images or movies. A few clicks will do this; additional hardware or expertise is not required. Here’s how to go about it:

Go around the car with your smartphone open and the AI app running. Adhere to the 360 photoshoot guide to ensure your car image fits within the overlay drawing on the screen. The AI-powered solution will instantly confirm the image and alert you if it needs to be captured again.

  1. The built-in AI editing capabilities will replace or adjust the background once you’ve taken a car walkaround from every angle and eliminate all extraneous features.
  1. Several background options are available, including indoor and outdoor virtual studios.
  1. This allows you to take 360-degree automobile photos using your smartphone. It may also help you move your cars from the lot to the internet in minutes.
  1. Prospective automobile buyers find the dealership inventory listing more appealing and captivating when it features a 360-degree virtual showroom with inventive spinning vehicle views, which attracts more shoppers.



Although car interior photography may not receive as many likes or shares as exterior car photography, it is still vital to online sales conversions. When your online retail channels have all the necessary information, buyers can virtually assess the car with accuracy. Together with AI-led photography platforms like the Spyne AI app, these tips and tricks will help you produce lead-converting, high-quality car interior photos that will win over more hearts.




  • Q. which is the Best Camera to do an internal 360 of a car?

    REDTIGER F5 WiFi Dash Cam is usually the preferred choice of professional photographers, but there are many more options present in the market.

  • Q. How do you take interior pictures of a car?

    Here are a few tips to get high-quality car interior photos:

    1. Open windows/doors to reduce the darkness and shadows.
    2. For night shoots, keep a lower shutter speed.
    3. Increase your ISO when shooting a two-seater car interior since you won’t have enough space.
    4. Use a softer but larger light to avoid shadows.


  • Q. Is a 360-degree camera useful in a car?

    Yes, it helps take high-resolution photos of the car’s interior and exterior.

  • Q. What is the 360 camera on car called?

    360 camera is also called a surround view camera or a bird’s eye camera alternatively.

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