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Explore the Ultimate Guide to 360 Car Exterior

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360 car exterior

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In the digital age, buying a car has altered. The days of turning pages of blurry pamphlets are long gone, and today’s astute shoppers expect a fully immersive experience. Here are some 360-degree outside car photos! Viewers can comfortably sit at their homes and visit the dealership’s virtual showroom and examine the vehicles’ features, models, curves, and finishes according to their will. Let’s further examine 360 degree car exterior images in more detail, including their benefits, features, and innovative ways they transform the car-buying process.


What is 360 Car Exterior?

360 car exterior is an interactive tool that helps the buyer explore the vehicle’s entire exterior before visiting a dealership. Prospective customers can quickly and easily receive a general idea of the vehicle’s exterior and make decisions. Customers may examine every inch of the exterior, including the headlights, grille, and wheels, as well as the intricate elements and graceful contours. Viewers can get an accurate impression of the car’s size, form, and design elements with 360 car view.



Process of Creating a 360 Car Exterior Photography

360 virtual tours are beneficial to both dealers and the buyers. However creating it professionally requires some setups and types of equipment. Let’s explore the step-by-step process of producing such immersive experiences:

Step 1: Setting up Studio

Determine the best vantage points and locations for shooting cars on your property. If such locations are not available, one can use any other indoor space, such as a showroom, garage, or backyard, at home.It is preferred to select the location nearby. If the studio was farther away from your lot, you would need to drive longer for a photo shoot.

Step 2: Installing a turntable

A turntable is required for 360° automobile photography. You can click through several vehicle profiles with the aid of a car turntable. You can have a turntable built into your floor or have one placed in your photo booth. On the other hand, an elevated level with studio roll doors and an L- or U-shaped wall is also an option.

Step 3: Camera and other photography equipment

To take excellent photos, of course, you need a good camera. In addition, for a stunning result, lighting equipment such as lights and diffusers is required.

Step 4: Ensuring background

For the walls of an automobile photography studio, white is the hue of choice. It is, therefore, not ideal to have a loud or colorful background since it would detract from the automobile. An additional option to provide uniformity to your online inventory is to select a particular background for each of your photos. You can use software or curtains to alter the backdrop color while editing.

Step 5: Adjusting Lights

Car surfaces have a shimmering look and are frequently dynamic. The sights of the car will become hazy and confusing due to needless halo effects and shine caused by excessive lighting focused on the surface of the vehicle. For precise reflections and shadows, you, therefore, want the ideal lighting apparatus. You can utilize the following for this:

  • Superior softboxes and umbrella lighting system
  • Reflectors and boards
  • Auxiliary lighting that is adjustable

Step 6: Stabilize the camera

One of the most important factors in taking 360-degree walkarounds of cars is camera height. It is imperative that the camera remains stationary and is in line with the terrain. As a result, this will also assist in eliminating any angle flaws from the images. Try using alternative sturdy bases if you are unable to handle tripods. It is advised to take several pictures to create an immersive view.

Step 7: Post-Photography solutions

Post-production software is required to alter any car image using built-in features like contrast, sharpness, natural shadow, etc. Unless you have experience with the software, hiring a professional to handle photo editing is preferable. If it appears impractical to set up a studio, you can rent one out to suit your needs. These studios typically also include a photography team to assist you.


Significance of 360 Car Exterior Spins & Images

With the fast-growing e-commerce and the digital age, online shopping has become commonplace for shoppers. With this evolving trend, the auto industry has improved its car-buying journey for potential customers. This cutting-edge approach benefits both clients and dealerships in a number of ways. Let’s examine a few of the main advantages of mandating 360 Car Photography Exterior Shots:

1) Improved Online Showrooms: These allow manufacturers and dealerships to showcase their whole inventory online, including previously owned vehicles and individuals with specific needs.

2) Better Experience: Prospective buyers can examine the car in great detail from the comfort of their home, focusing on specific features and getting a feel for the interior space.

3) Enhanced Efficiency: 360-degree automobile photos have the potential to optimize workflows by reducing the need for elaborate picture shoots, including many setups.

4) Cost-Effectiveness: Compared to traditional picture sessions, 360 automotive walkaround can be a powerful tool to produce amazing vehicle graphics, even when the first device expenditure may be a gift.

5) Worldwide attract: By showcasing their goods online, auto dealerships can attract potential customers who live outside of their immediate area.


Top 5 Features of 360 Car Exterior Photography

360 car exterior photography goes beyond just capturing the full field of view around the car. With a range of features that make automobile shopping engaging and educational, this technology goes beyond static graphics. Let’s examine in more detail the essential components that make 360-degree outside car photography so effective. Here are some of the key elements that define an excellent 360° application:

1. Smooth rotation: A good 360° image should result in a seamless rotation in all directions. This creates a fluid effect so viewers can explore the exterior of the car at their own pace.

2. Multiple holding points: While a full 360° view is important, some setups may have additional holding points in difficult-to-control areas. This could be wheels, headlights, or special composites.

3. Higher resolution: Photos of the exterior of a 360 car are usually taken in higher resolution, so viewers can zoom in to see brief details of the car’s paint, wheels, and other details

4. Interactive Tagging: Continuous Car Exterior Interactive Spins can be clickable. These hotspots can link to additional content, high-resolution images, or even videos that showcase specific features of the car.

5. Complete view: A 360-degree camera gives you a complete perspective of your environment by taking immersive, panoramic pictures and videos from every angle. Immersive VR compatibility, high-resolution output, and smooth lens stitching are important qualities.


How 360 Car Exterior Photography Benefits Dealers

More benefits come from 360-degree exterior photography than from still photos, particularly when it comes to showcasing the car online. 360° exterior photography of vehicles makes it possible for automobile buyers to have a more engaging and educational online experience, which may boost engagement and even improve sales. The following are some of the main benefits:

1. Visual magnitude: Compared to flat photos, 360° images provide a more compelling experience for shoppers. They can have a 360 automotive walkaround of the can and inspect its curves and its repair parts from any angle, just as they would in person at a dealership.

2. Improved Customer Experience: Interactive 360° views allow buyers to thoroughly inspect vehicles at their own pace. This transparency builds trust and reduces the need for them to visit a dealership just to see specific exterior aspects.

3. Competitive Advantage: In today’s online car buying market, high-quality listings are crucial. 360° photography sets your listing apart from competitors who offer only still images.

4. More informed decisions: By getting a complete picture of the car’s exterior, buyers can make informed decisions without the need to physically see the car. This can save them time and frustration during the car shopping process.

5. Capture Every Detail: Unlike many still photos, a 360° view allows nothing to be missed. This is especially helpful for highlighting special design features or external additions.


360 Car Exterior VS Interior Photography

360-degree images of a car’s exterior and interior offer various viewpoints of the surroundings. While both 360 car exterior and interior photography create immersive experiences, they differ in several key aspects. Let’s explore the differentiating features and use cases of both exterior and interior captures:

Basis Exterior Interior
Subject Captured Mainly focuses on the vehicle’s exterior, highlighting the paint job, wheels, grills, lights, and other design components. The interior of the vehicle, including the controls, seats, dashboard, and technology elements, as well as the general design of the passenger and cargo spaces, is captured.
Equipment Capable of being photographed with a DSLR camera fitted with a wide-angle lens while rotating the automobile on a turntable A dedicated 360-degree camera is usually used for a smooth experience. Alternatively, a panoramic image can be created by stitching together numerous DSLR photos.
Challenges To prevent uneven coloring, control reflections on the car’s surface and keep lighting constant during the spin. Managing window reflections, avoiding blind spots, and working in a small area to catch every detail.
Benefits for Buyers Evaluate the car’s size and appearance from every angle while virtually checking for damage or flaws. It makes it possible to walk around without really being there. Take in the room’s layout, the materials (fabric, leather), the technological elements, and the overall roominess. This makes the vehicle’s comfort and usefulness for passengers and cargo more apparent.
Benefits for Sellers Attention to the car’s distinctive design elements and highlighting its general state may attract additional purchasers who are drawn to the particular style. Highlight the caliber of materials and degree of technological integration. This can improve the car’s perceived worth and improve its internet appeal.


How Spyne can help in 360 Car Exterior

Spyne can be a useful tool for creating high-quality 360 degree Vehicle Photo Spins of your car, making it easier to use and more accessible when you use it compare with traditional methods. Here’s how Spyne can help:

1. Simple handling: Spyne uses web software, eliminating the need for expensive cameras or special equipment. You simply walk around the car with your smartphone, following in-app instructions.

2. AI-powered assistance: The program provides on-screen instructions and makes sure that you hold all the necessary positions to get a full 360-degree view. It also automatically confirms captured images or alerts you that they will be retaken if needed.

3. Automated Editing: Spyne’s AI takes care of the seamless editing process. It removes unwanted elements, such as backgrounds or people walking by, and replaces them with clean 360 car studio or customizable backgrounds.

4. Reflection Removal and Enhancement: Spyne can solve one of the biggest problems in exterior car photography – reflections on the roof of the car. The AI ​​can automatically clean reflections from windows and body, while adding shadows and landscape lighting for a more realistic look.

5. Consistent lighting: Even lighting is crucial to making an actor look. Spyne’s AI can help compensate for uneven lighting conditions during capture, resulting in a much sharper final image.

Overall, Spyne produces beautiful 360-degree exterior images that are accessible and efficient, even for people with no photography experience. This can be especially useful for car dealerships, individual dealers, or online marketplaces that want to showcase vehicles in an immersive and engaging way.



In conclusion, the exterior image of the 360 ​​car has become a tool for the modern car buyer. It enhances customer engagement by providing them with a complete car view. Additionally, allowing them to explore every inch of the car from the comfort of their homes. Also, this system empowers the buyer to make informed decisions with confidence. Car 360 Exteriors provides a helpful tool for navigating the car-buying journey with ease. So next time you’re in the market for a car, be sure to look for listings that use this new technology – your perfect ride could be a hit become a thing.




  • Q. How to capture 360 degree footage outside of the car

    Make sure the camera is level before mounting it on a tripod. Capture the entire car by using the remote shutter to take pictures of several autos from various perspectives. To capture images of the car’s bottom and roof, move the camera. To create a smooth 360-degree view, merge photos using image compositing software.


  • Q. How do I shoot a 360 picture of a cars exterior with only 1 camera?

    Capturing multiple images from every angle and then stitching them together by using a software can help in creating a 360 picture of a car exterior with only one camera.


  • Q. What is the 360 walk-around vehicle inspection?

    Walk around vehicle inspection simply means walking all the way around your vehicle and check the clearances to the side, front, back and above.


  • Q. What is a 360 in a car?

    Positioned around the vehicle, four to six wide angle cameras make up a typical 360 degree camera system. To help you drive as safely as possible, this feature records live video from cameras that are pointed in front of, behind, to the sides, and even above your car.


  • Q. How to capture a 360 car photo using Insta 360?

    Follow the steps below to capture 360 car photo using Insta 360:

    • Set capture mode to “Multishot” on your Insta360.
    • Mount camera on Invisible Selfie Stick in car center.
    • Start capture in the app and walk steadily around the car.
    • The app stops capturing when you return to the starting point.


  • Q. What is the best and easiest way to take a 360° picture of a car?

    Use the instructions below to snap a clear photo of an automobile:

    • Park your car in a place that is well-lit and has few distractions.
    • Make sure the camera is level before mounting it on a tripod.
    • Make careful to capture the entire car by using the remote shutter to take pictures of several autos from various perspectives.

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